Ignorance is the forerunner in the arising of unwholesome qualities, and wisdom is the forerunner in the arising of wholesome qualities.

This was said by the Blessed One, said by the Arahant, thus I have heard:

“Ignorance, bhikkhus, is the forerunner in the arising of unwholesome qualities, with shamelessness and moral recklessness following behind. Wisdom, bhikkhus, is the forerunner in the arising of wholesome qualities, with a sense of shame and moral dread following behind.”

The Blessed One spoke on this matter. Therefore, it is said thus:

"Whatever unfortunate destinies, exist in this world and the next; all are rooted in ignorance, and accumulation of longing and greed.

When one has evil desires, is without shame and disrespectful; They produce unwholesome actions, and as a result, fall into a state of misery.

Therefore, abandoning desire and greed, and dispelling ignorance; A bhikkhu who gives rise to wisdom, will cast off all unfortunate destinies."

This matter too was spoken by the Blessed One, thus I have heard.

Picture: Encontrar al Contemplador, Tomas Sanchez, 2005

Related Teachings:

The Cave of Ignorance (Snp 4.2) - Vivid verses on overcoming the mire of delusion by avoiding attachment to sensory pleasures, discerning their causes, and practicing for being free of ‘mine’.

Tracing the causes of ignorance | delusion | avijjā sutta (AN 10.61) - Even though ignorance has no discernible first point, it still has a cause.

30 mental qualities that lead to enlightenment, to the arising of the Buddha (AN 10.76) - Greed, hate and delusion are the last layer of the ten layers of three mental qualities each to be uprooted to get to enlightenment. This teaching can be used to see the next layer of qualities to uproot and its antidote qualities to be cultivated.