Let’s imagine a hypothetical scenario where an alien spaceship crash-lands at a specific spot where North Dakota and Saskatchewan meet. In this case, would the aliens face any legal consequences, such as fines or imprisonment, for illegally crossing the border? Given that this location is quite remote and sparsely populated, how do you think authorities from both the United States and Canada would handle such an unprecedented situation in terms of jurisdiction and border control?

Just wondering because I do believe that there are other lives out there in this vast universe. Sorry, but the last post I made regarding Streetview, I checked out panoramax.fr, and found it really interesting and fun to use as a FOSS Google Maps Alternative.

  • Snailpope@lemmy.world
    1 month ago

    As far as both the Canadian and Americans would be concerned that’s the perfect spot. Easy to hide, two GDPs and scientists to reverse engineer their tech and find a way to communicate. We’re still humans so obviously teenage alien dipshits joy riding and subsequently crashing dad’s new space Buick would be considered a defcon level one threat for sure.