I didn’t know Kamala Harris believes housing is a human right, is pro-union, anti-war, anti-racist, pro-lgbtq, pro-education, pro-kids (whatever that means) and wants to protect bodily autonomy! Wow, she sounds amazing!

Calling Kamala Harris anti-war is one of the most unhinged shit I’ve ever heard. This whole post is just so condescending, my god.

    • KlargDeThaym@lemmygrad.ml
      25 days ago

      Westerners are so entitled. “Sure, my candidate will continue the genocidal policy and continue to destroy countless lives all around the globe, but have you thought about me and my comfort for a second?”

      • supersolid_snake@lemmygrad.ml
        24 days ago

        Yep, and all the things they named won’t even go away regardless of the candidate. There is a responsibility to fight those things more than allegedly stuffing a meaningless ballot.

        • SpaceDogs@lemmygrad.mlOP
          24 days ago

          A weird argument I see from people voting for Kamala is that it will be easier to organize under a Kamala presidency rather than a Trump one but I don’t think I believe that. I also don’t trust that these people will organize post election, their advocacy ends at the ballot box.

          • Addfwyn@lemmygrad.ml
            24 days ago

            Liberals have never once shown me any desire to organise and “push their candidate left” as much as they love to preach about doing that.

            The fact that they keep giving the democrats every office they could possibly want without them having to do a damn thing is why they keep rushing right. May as well pocket the money from all the lobbies and ignore the people who will inevitably vote for you.

            If anything, we would see more organizing from liberals if Trump were elected. Granted, most of that organizing would be generic “trump bad” protests without any real attempts to enact change, but it would be more than the alternative.

            • SpaceDogs@lemmygrad.mlOP
              24 days ago

              I’ve come to the conclusion that they would rather be comfortable in the empire than watch it fall. They want to stabilize the empire instead of destroying it.

  • JucheBot1988@lemmygrad.ml
    24 days ago

    Man, she sounds just like Biden, Obama, and Clinton!

    Funny how nothing gets better even though we keep electing these people who are basically the American version of Lenin.

  • the post of tom joad@lemmygrad.ml
    26 days ago

    I don’t have the luxury of being a single issue voter…

    because you have luxuriously refused to rub the couple braincells together required to understand a single issue

  • geneva_convenience@lemmy.ml
    26 days ago

    None of these liberals care about Palestine. They never have. Most of them were praising Biden into the heaven a month ago.

  • RedClouds@lemmygrad.ml
    26 days ago

    At this point in time I’m completely convinced that the Democrats in office love how bad the state of the country is because it means they get to push for teeny-tiny little baby steps to make it slightly less terrible whilehere, while everybody ignores the fact that genocide is happening under their watch, and World War 3 are around the corner.

    It’s the exact same tactic the Republicans did. Throw a bunch of crazy shit out there so the media focuses entirely on that, including cultural issues, while secretly pushing a whole bunch of legislation towards the right without argument.

    Only when the Democrats are doing stuff behind the scenes, it’s not pushing the country the left, It’s still pushing the country to the right, just not quite as fast.

  • Belly_Beanis [he/him]@hexbear.net
    26 days ago

    (CW, mods feel free to remove)

    You know who doesn’t have abortion access? Palestinians murdered by the IDF after they’re raped. I swear to God I’m turning into a third world Maoist and will leave the country to join a leftwing terrorist group in southeast Asia.

  • SeventyTwoTrillion [he/him]@hexbear.net
    25 days ago

    if voting for my own interests comes with the cost of implicitly accepting that tens of thousands of children will be killed in bombing raids abroad, then I refuse

    • SpaceDogs@lemmygrad.mlOP
      25 days ago

      I’ve seen people say exactly what you just said and the response they get is “you’re privileged.”

  • D61 [any]@hexbear.net
    25 days ago

    That’s a pretty long list you’ve got there… why not just add one more thing to it and help the rest of us harass Harris about being shitty on the Palestinian genocide?

    • ComradeSalad@lemmygrad.ml
      26 days ago

      Eh, I’m not sure that a person worried about dying from an ectopic pregnancy because one candidate planes to make reproductive care illegal, or that the same candidate has an outlined plan to label lgbt people as legal pedophiles, makes someone labour aristocracy. Those feel like legitimate worries.

      If anything it demonstrates the insidious nature of liberalism in convincing people their legitimate worries and grievances can only be solved with one alternative. Which is to vote for the blue side of the same coin.

      Calling Kamala anti war is downright comical though. The way liberals delude themselves is doubly terrifying and hilarious.

      • ☭CommieWolf☆@lemmygrad.ml
        26 days ago

        You’re probably right, but it still makes my blood boil seeing these US liberals being happy getting concessions for their own personal “liberties” and “rights” even if the cost is to enable genocide. They have got to be the most evil people on earth, because how tf is genocide not a red line to stop you from supporting someone?

        They’ll prattle on about “Trump has 69 felonies!!!” as an excuse to condemn him but they’re okay with GENOCIDE??

        • ComradeSalad@lemmygrad.ml
          26 days ago

          That’s the most infuriating part. All those things she listed are legitimate worries that millions of working class people have, but to use those same worries as some bizarre justification to sweep genocide under the rug instead of actually pushing for legitimate change is rage inducing.

          It’s the horrible mentality that just because one candidate is a white nationalist, fascist piece of shit, then that must mean we have to rally behind the decrepit neoliberal scum.

          That’s why point to the insidious Natureof liberalism rather then some individual failure. These people have been duped into thinking the only way to solve their real problems is to vote for the white washed and sanitized versions of the name neoliberal coin.

      • SadArtemis🏳️‍⚧️@lemmygrad.ml
        26 days ago

        Legitimate worries, illegitimate behavior (backing genocide so long as she “gets hers”- not that she’ll get hers either way).

        She deserves exactly what the system (ie. the source of all her worries) has to offer her, and so does every other lib. And I hope she gets the full brunt of it, genocide-supporter that she is.

        • ComradeSalad@lemmygrad.ml
          26 days ago

          Would you not say that it might be from an utter lack of political education that is purposefully withheld by a neoliberal system that is more at fault here then the individual person?

          The working class can be lied to and exploited. That has been seen time and again throughoit history across the globe. Their beliefs are commonly not their fault the majority of the time. That’s the entire point of outreach and education. If a person is made to believe that their life will come under threat, they will be increasingly willing to disregard others to secure their safety. That is basic human psychology that those neoliberal ghouls are exploiting. I cannot condemn an otherwise regular working class person and say “they deserve what the system offers her”, just because they have been tricked, exploited and lied to. It’s like she’s the ceo of a defense company or a kkk member. The entire point of Marxism is to reach out and show that there is a better alternative.

          That doesn’t make excusing genocide any less abhorrent and morally bankrupt though. Trying to cope like this is delusional.

          • SadArtemis🏳️‍⚧️@lemmygrad.ml
            26 days ago

            Would you not say that it might be from an utter lack of political education that is purposefully withheld by a neoliberal system that is more at fault here then the individual person?

            On one hand- yes, definitely. And education, of people like this especially, is important and will always be.

            On the other hand, the barest minimum of human decency (in the face of industrial genocide) is on the table here, and she’s rejecting it. Does she need education? Absolutely, and if I were speaking to her that would be the primary focus. But all the same, fuck her and the horse she rode on in and she most certainly deserves exactly what she’ll get.

            The working class can be lied to and exploited, yes. And the “labor proletariat” fighting for their table scraps at the expense of everyone else is nothing new, either. The education is out there, and even without education the call to the most basic principles and common humanity is out there and should be out there to anyone who sees what is going on in Gaza- I can’t claim that I have sympathy for her as a result even though I understand where she’s coming from; countless far less educated (or even outright illiterate), far more disenfranchised people than her- including of her own fellow USians have chosen the right side of history (and at immense personal cost, or sometimes well beyond even that), and this is her rejecting it (though it does not have to be a permanent thing- people can change, and our ability to change is incredible) and going so far as to support the opposite, reluctantly or not.

            We can and should reach out. But by all means, I would even go so far as to say it’s a good thing she’ll get hers, and she will continue to get hers (and it won’t be from us) until she learns her lesson or dies from it. Thankfully, the rest of humanity has built up the material conditions necessary to resist, and the order that she and millions like her constitute (as reluctant cogs, maybe, but ultimately willing and understanding cogs in the machine of genocide) is coming to an end one way or another. She and her ilk can either get with the program (something which does not even require education- though it certainly helps and shows there never was any other real option to begin with) or get out of the way.

            (also I’m not the one who downvoted you)

      • Munrock ☭@lemmygrad.ml
        26 days ago

        Those feel like legitimate worries.

        Legitimate worries, but still a drop in the bucket compared to the death and misery that US foreign policy is serving up. Of course, thousands of deaths from direct bombing and sanctions starvation doesn’t weigh up to bodily autonomy oppression when the latter are voters and the former are half a world away.

        Meanwhile Jill Stein is anti-war, pro-Palestine and pro-bodily autonomy, but ask any liberal why they refuse to vote for her and it’s because they don’t want to ‘waste their vote’ because every other liberal isn’t voting for her.