A step in the right direction. I’ve always found it very upsetting that before tip machines, the standard 15% tip was on the subtotal and now it’s always calculated on the total. We are double screwed in that over 15% has been pushed lately and the ``15%" is not the 15% that we used to have.
Yes enfin des bonnes nouvelles!
I’d like to see tipping culture vanish entirely, but this is a step in the right direction.
A step in the right direction. I’ve always found it very upsetting that before tip machines, the standard 15% tip was on the subtotal and now it’s always calculated on the total. We are double screwed in that over 15% has been pushed lately and the ``15%" is not the 15% that we used to have.
Une belle demi mesure qui ne va en rien aider à propos de tous les commerces qui demandent du pourboire là où ils ne devraient pas en demander ou sinon les commerces où le pourboire commence à 20%.
Yes I would like something a bit stronger. Nonetheless it’s a decrease unless they up the number accordingly. Right now a tip starting at 20% is in fact starting at 23% since it’s on tax as well.
Businesses shouldn’t have a tip option if the employees aren’t paid the sub-minimum wage for tipped workers.
Ban tip wage, one’s wage should not depend on begging for someone else’s generosity.
J’approuve. Qu’on paie les gens un salaire qui leur permet de vivre assez aisément qu’ils puissent se payer un abri et de la nourriture et d’avoir quelques loisirs.