This is a cross post with shit just works
You see, Ukrainians have a preset kill limit. Knowing their weakness, I sent wave after wave of my own men at them until they reached their limit and shut down - Putin.
SomeMost of youmaywill die, but that’s a sacrifice I’m willing to make.” - Putin, 2023It’s just another way to control population growth. Either pharmaceutical or weapon manufacturers, just choose where you want to insert coins.
as harsh as it may sound, you’d want to get rid of the oldest people first. So it’s not even effective at that
That is genuinely bleak.
That is genuinely bleak.
If you put on a blindfold and picked a random point on the Russian timeline, from its founding to today, this statement would be equally applicable.
Not everywhere, throughout most of the USSR things were pretty good for the average person.
Good point. There’s strong evidence for that in recorded testimonials from cities across the USSR before its demise. When residents were asked about their living arrangements, work conditions and general satisfaction with life, they all had the same thing to say: “Can’t complain”.