Avid Gamer | | Lifting connoisseur | | Completionist

  • 33 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 5th, 2023


  • Bi guess I understand his post as wanting to get better in those “authentic” situations witch you will not get into if you “run in”. I did not say one is not fun, or not real, or the “right” way. He is talking about how he plays and how to get better at the way he is playing and you suggested to completly change the way he is playing.

    If I were to actually suggest anything for him would be to play and get better with his play style would be to go in with cheap and stripped down kits basically handicap himself as much as possible and then play as if he has it all on the line the same way.

  • No where did I say one one is correct or not. I just said if you lower the stakes to fight then you raise the stakes you will not fight the same. No where did I say one way is better than another. I didn’t tell anyone what to do.

    Edit: in fact no where did I suggest you do anything. The only thing I really say is you either get rid of “gear fear” or “loot” or anything of the matter and just pay the game or you continue to do what you do. This even goes for casual vs ranked matches in csgo ro r6 playing in a casual match will never compare to playing in a competitive match because everyone including you will be acting different. You can not train one way and then play another and expect it to correlate completely.

  • I actually disagree with this. A lot of what makes games like hunt (tarkov, rust, etc) games where you have real stakes in you fighting a lot hinges on how you act when you have a lot on the line. Example for hunt being all the bounties are on the floor for your taking but you have a clutch a 1v3 you are inevitable going to play and feel differently from “running into danger”. You might be physically shaking, leaning hella far into your monitor, etc everything that comes with the natural of pressure and stress etc. not to mention how those fights you get into when running to danger vs fighting authenticly will play out differently. You can practice and aim train as much as you want but when the pressure hits it hits until you get used to it.

  • I still don’t see it. Example being Hugh Jackman from the new Deadpool movie. There are interviews with with saying “yes I just eat 5k calories a day of chicken, veggies, and fish.” That is 100% false and not true. If someone watches that interview because they wanted to either know how he managed to look like that or just because they liked the movie. but then in the recommended section it does not show someone who actually knows shit about fitness and steroids etc how would they know. Sometimes that rabbit hole is good. And can bring upon knowledge. A lot of fitness influences speak out on what would be considered “unrealistic body standards” as it is unhealthy to attempt to look that way.

    As for trying to make you nose looks a certain way I can’t really speak on that. but I still believe that the restriction of anything on a site such as YouTube is a dangerous precedent to set.

    Edit: clarity