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Joined 8 months ago
Cake day: November 7th, 2023


  • also to bring a rudamentary comparison:

    a cpu is a few very complicated cores, a gpu is thousands of dumb cores.

    its easier to make something doing something low in instructions(gpu) faster than something that has a shit ton of instructions(cpu) due to like you mention, branch prediction.

    modern cpu performance gains is focusing more on paralellism and in the case of efficiency cores, scheduling to optimize for performance.

    GPU wise, its really something as simple as GPUs are typically memory bottlenecked. memory bandwidth (memory speed x bus width with a few caveats with cache lowering requirements based on hits) its the major indicator on GPU performance. bus width is fixed on a hardware chip design, so the simpilist method to increase general performance is clocks.

  • it will 100% be on a node thats outdated by the time of release. Nintendo goes out of their way wanting to make profit off hardware console sales. basically the last device they took a loss on hardware cost wise was the WiiU, and I shouldnt need to say how well that sold (and I know, I owned one)

    rumors suggest Ampere based(2020) GPU with a few feature backports from Lovelace(2022) on Samsung 8nm (2018) for cost reasons.

    Blackwell for nvidia will likely be out before the switch 2, making the switch 2 by the time of release, on a gpu 2 generations older than the current generation.

  • the flip side is they tend to take court cases involving individuals less seriously. Rulings are designed to be done in a quick manner and reletively speaking, cam be harsh with sentences. Culturally they care more for someone possibly related(but not guaranteed to be) get punished over verifying if said person is actually guilty of something.

    its a system thats good if said perpetrator is caught fast, but terrible for the person who just happened to be there at the wrong time if a perp gets away.

    tl;dr swift justice, but dont take as many precautions on whether they got the right person or not.

  • the biggest reason back then was that it had the best charging network option. as NACS slowly becomes the defacto connector standard, the unique factors that teslas have starts to yo dwindle.

    in pure EV though the alternatives arent entirely less expensive. its a game of certain features over others. For example with traditional car conpanies, many of them still have a terrible cartainment system, with some threatening for example to take away apple carplay/android auto in favor of their own propietary service.

  • if you arent going to vote in the presidents election. wont stop you, but regardless you should be voting in all your local office positions because those directly affect you more than the federal government will.

    even if its not politicians at the bare minimum vote on measures or lose your right to complain about taxes.