• 2 Posts
Joined 2 months ago
Cake day: April 24th, 2024


    1. Sure, ok. A huge part of stealth action games is precisely that if you fuck up, you can very easily be overwhelmed, and only with usually a combo of significant skill and luck can you recover from this. Generally speaking, the idea of a stealth action game is that you are nearly guaranteed to be fucked should a full alarm be raised.

    2. You are describing two ARPGs as examples, further lending credence to my assertion that AC is faaaar closer to an ARPG than any kind of stealth game.

    3. Personally, I call games that set up queued attack sequences against the player artificially easy, an obvious power fantasy for casuals. There are games that are very melee centric that do not do this (Kenshi w/ attack slot mods, Sifu, Mount and Blade, etc.) which are generally significantly more difficult so long as you don’t cheese them.

    4. Oh right, I’m fairly certain you are just wrong when it comes to Dark Souls. One huge reason why at least the original was seen as so hard is that the enemies do not queue up to attack you following some kind of group rules, they’ll all go by their own individual AI, not waiting to take their turns.

  • True on both counts, I guess I should have qualified with ‘In the past 5 years’ or something.

    I think Dishonored 2 came out in 2017? I did quite like those games.

    And yeah, the Thief series arguably invented the stealth action genre in 3d, though I am fairly sure that MGS was basically the direct inspiration for Splinter Cell, can’t say I’ve heard any of those devs ever mention the Thief series.

    Only other things I can think of are other immersive sims (which I /know/ the creators of the dishonored series would either say their game is or contains elements of), the better of which have pretty good sneaking missions and are highly similar to stealth action games in many ways, you could even say that stealth action games are basically streamlined immersive sims… not many of those get made or become popular though, SS2 remake being the only recent exception I can think of.

    Finally, there is Alien Isolation, which … is sort of a stealth action game, but also a horror game. But again, that was quite a while ago.

  • Can a non US anglosphere person comment on the V gesture?

    I’ve known several brits and australians and asked them about the weird little differences that would include this and I have never heard of this being used like… offensively, as in ‘I am going to win a war with you!’

    I always just thought it was developed during world war two as a shorthand way of saying ‘we will win this’, not as a way to like disparage someone?

  • You would think this would be obvious to everyone, but no, it is not.

    I once lived with a person who believed it completely normal to leave empty but uncleaned pans and utensils inside the oven for days.

    One day I am planning on cooking something, so I start preheating the oven.

    5 minutes later dear god what is that smell?

    Open the oven… dear fucking god, theres the uncleaned nacho pan from 2 days ago with the plastic spatula melted into a puddle on it.

    Yeah, thats how I found out its apparently completely normal to do this, and not tell anyone, even though we’d already very clearly delineated dish cleaning times and shifts.

    And thats why I don’t live with roommates anymore!

    Gotta love living with people who are literally incapable of doing a single thing toward maintaining a common area, and also eat all your food without asking, while they are on a diet.

  • And then the Splinter Cell franchise shortly went off the rails, crashed and burned as soon as they decided that some of the most fundamental of those rules should just be abandoned, for the sake of basically more broad appeal via making the game easier.

    Its honestly kind of shocking that someone has not just made an indie, more graphically simple version of some kind of melding of Splinter Cell and MGS core game mechanics, perhaps without the relatively costly voice acting and grandiose, superbly animated cutscenes.

    Im waiting to live somewhere with an actual internet connection, and I am convinced I could put together a proof of concept build in UE 5 in 6 months, a comprehensive level.

    Stealth Action games seem to be highly regarded and in great demand, but for some reason no one really makes them in 3d anymore, unless there are some hidden gems I’ve somehow not heard of.

    PS: Assassins Creed doesnt count, the AI is braindead when it comes to stealth, takes turns attacking you… using modern terminology its just a 3d ARPG.

  • Yep, agreed.

    Problem is that the people I was close to were so incredibly addicted to being angry that it was all they knew.

    They’d lie to my face that they’d given it up and then later drop some new nonsense on me, I look it up later and oh dear god its QAnon bullshit I’ve yet to hear about.

    Also, I feel its worth mentioning that a similar kind of thing can happen to … basically extremely neurotic, self centered leftists as well. I’ve know people who became tankies to the point they were just as delusional and emotionally unstable as QAnon morons, and also some people can truly overdose on becoming every possible kind of victim to the point that you can’t say anything to them without them interpreting everything as uncharitably as possible, masters of inventing excuses for all of their bad behavior that turn anyone pointing out their bad behavior into an evil bigot.

    If you’ve ever met someone who basically never goes outside and has been consistently using Tumblr for a decade +, you probably know what I mean.

  • Well, the final straw was when a number of them made me homeless, and the rest were either too busy or too emotionally burdened to help right now.

    So after losing all my possessions, losing my job, being homeless for nearly a year, getting the shit kicked out of me regularly by fentanyl addicts uh… well, I should not have survived.

    But despite nearly being killed more times than I can count, being held hostage by madman (who the police held for 30 days and then let loose), and witnessing a number of people I’d met along the way die…

    It was not exactly easy.

    But, by basically dumb luck, I survived.

    And, being alive, having not only hit rock bottom, but having been dragged and kicked along its jagged ground… well, now I am free.

    It is only after you lose everything, that you are free to do anything.

    And for me, that means not having to deal with anyone while I do a whole lot of PT on disability.

    Also, I now have a great deal of self confidence, as I am 100% certain any of those dumbfucks would have died going through a tenth of what I went through, yet I persist.