A couple years ago when I was first interested in privacy I stumbled across a privacy website that I found very cool. I regret not saving it, but I’m certain it’s not lost. I only remember this about the website:

  • It had this song as its background music
  • The website was for educating about privacy, and you would “unlock” new knowledge as you went
  • Some of that knowledge was in a “cave” where some dark stories and articles surfaced
  • One of the interactive segments was about “What do you think step counter data could reveal about you?” and the answer was things like religion (if your step count increased on certain days such as Sunday or Tuesday which correlates with some religions), rough location (based on which times you walked), etc.

That’s all I remember. Thank you so much to anyone who can help me find it!

  • potentiallynotfelix
    1 month ago

    It wouldn’t hurt to reach out to the song author and ask him if he was asked to use the music.