So, I had a conversation with my sisters husband about politics, he gifted me a book (the power of geography) , which he claimed to be leftist… because it merely mentioned colonialism. He framed that as anti-white racism and how we, the ‘whites’, should be proud of our ‘accomplishments’ and how it’s badass that ‘we’ conquered the entire world.

He then further went on to mention that after colonialism ‘ended’ the natives didn’t know how to do anything, because they kicked the smart whites out.

What the hell do I do about this nutjob? Is there any hope for him? Should I even try to convince him that he’s an absolutely moron?

    2 months ago

    He has strayed far from God and unlikely to return

    Probably tempting to cut off your sister and him, but I’d offer another path that will make him much more miserable. If they have or end up having kids… slowly radicalize them. You can probably start young but gotta be careful because kids will just say shit to their parents. But once they’re in high school there’s a lot of opportunity to just expose them to all sorts of shit that their dad will hate them learning. Probably the easiest thing to do though is be active in politics, belonging to organizations that do things beyond like reading clubs (which are good too), and have your future niece/nephew maybe go along, see stuff, be the cool counter to their asshole dad, and yeah.

    Not much else to be done besides… well, I shouldn’t say that. Anyway. Oh, by the way!..

      2 months ago

      Im pretty sure most of the colonialism was done in the name of god, i think he is right on track, after all jesus did say to give on to the cesar what is his, so imperialism has the jesus seal of approval.