So after yesterday’s strike I made the mistake to engage with liberals about said strike and I have come to the conclusion that I might even hate them more than far right people.

With far right people at least you know what they stand for. They hate minorities, they hate socialism and they are outright saying it. It goes against everything I stand for but at least they are honest about it and in a weird way I respect their honesty.

Liberals, though, are just snakes. They act all concerned about everyone’s welfare but at the same time budget cut the ever living shit out of healthcare, education, welfare, public transport, etc. And they now have found a new standard response: ‘but what about defense???’ It’s like they are drones without independent thought and their new update made them all defense experts. And the smugness they portray when making these points is just insufferable to the point I want to punch their teeth out.

End of rant.

    20 days ago

    They are all either crypto-fascists or ignorant comrades

    I think it’s important to keep this bit in mind. As insufferable as they can be, they’ve been fed a steady diet of anticommunism since infancy, and may have the right values but the wrong information. Of course others are just crypto-fascists, and that sucks, but if you can find the ignorant comrades, and even just like, plant a seed of doubt in the western narrative, that’s a win.