Both are useful in achieveing American political aims abroad, so getting rid of them seems like a bad choice from the perspective of the US government

    20 days ago

    those orgs are essentially the sinecure of the US institutional elite, where their spawnlings that are too incompetent even for some Wall Street board seat or STEM lord Silicon Valley company management are fobbed off to.

    These “non-partisan” NGO careerist positions were their golden parachute

    This is like saying U.S. domestic media jobs are just golden parachute make-work for elite failsons. Some jobs in that industry fit the bill, but the industry serves a real purpose outside of that and a ton of its workers don’t fit into the “elite failson golden parachute” box.

    What’s happening is (1) true believers in “cut everything but the military” are in power, (2) they’re trying more blanket cuts than we’ve seen before because they’re seeing what they can get away with and they don’t know enough to do it more selectively, and (3) they don’t care if it causes problems because it won’t cause any meaningful problems for them.

      19 days ago

      I don’t see the difference and splitting the hair seems irrelevant. The US military isn’t just an imperialist fascist force, it’s also a jobs program for millions of Americans. It’s dialectical to acknowledge all relevant facets and the existence of those orgs as a institutional golden parachute is one of them. I don’t care if someone weighs it as “just that” or “primary” or “secondary” or “whatever” it’s simply a crucial element that should be highlighted.

      Yes, the Reddit Democrat “analysis” or the Hasanabi interpretation of this as just “evil dumb racists” doing “evil dumb racist” things isn’t necessarily wrong. There’s no value in framing this under that sole paradigm, however.