Hello lemmy! I am a underGrad in Delhi, India. This is my portfolio website made with React, Typescript and Tailwind. Please go through it and if possible rate it.
Hello lemmy! I am a underGrad in Delhi, India. This is my portfolio website made with React, Typescript and Tailwind. Please go through it and if possible rate it.
Sorry I will work on it. Thank you
Don’t apologise 😄 It might be better if you use bloggy parts of your site as a main page, they might be actually useful for you and other people. Make about page that is about you, what you have done (even small projects but not hello world level), what are you actually interested in doing. Right now it’s impossible to understand that. Some social links doesn’t work, or return 404.
As Jake the Dog said: “Sucking at something is the first step towards being sorta good at something.”