Vince Everett Ellison is an author and documentarian. He hosts the “Vince Everette Ellison Show” (@thevinceeverettellisonshow) on X, Rumble and YouTube. He also produced the documentary “Will You Go To Hell For Me?” and wrote the #1 best seller “The Iron Triangle.”
#TuckerCarlson #VinceEverettEllison #MLKJr #CivilRights #HipHop #Music #BlackAmerica #communism #DonaldTrump #Democrats #LGBTQ #SnoopDogg #RickRoss #politics #news
Edit2: I may have improved or just have worsen the phrasing and format; I am trying to make it more organized, but I have many points that I would like to share
I would be careful with that wording, it seems to be used to smear people that do not fall in line with status quo talking points.
They both could be seen as: conservatives, religious(higher than average, but it seems Tucker is a bit more consistant on his religious morals and outlooks), somewhat libertarian (Tucker, not too sure Vince), and other things I do not recall, currently.
I would be cautious of this label, having deep talks and multiple discussions with different people that are non status quo talking points may get anyone labeled as such, I see it as another smear tactic.
I see all legacy media and social media, as propaganda, everyone is trying to sway people to think a certain way, to a degree; some may have useful data/information, while others may have less, but it may push our own bias, which I see as a good thing.
As we grow, hopefully, we get better at questioning and being critical of what we see in the world(IRL and the internet), I am okay with continuing to watch and read from people like him and others.
We can always learn from people we do not think or agree with, even if it goes against the group think narratives or our own bias.
I do not like censorship or when others think we need babying, we can watch/listen/talk to whomever we like and make our own decisions on the matter.
I hope this may help you understand my view points a bit more, even if it may seem ‘out-there’.
Thank you for the comment!
Hmmh. I’m pretty sure we don’t have the same perspective anyways, because I’m not from the United States. And all the labels are really off. I’d consider your liberals, conservative by my standards. That’s not necessarily bad, just a difference in society. And the media very opinion-centric and not necessarily factual. In the USA everything seems to be about emotion and strong opinions.
I follow American politics and culture because I think it’s interesting. And we get some of the same dynamics here. But some things are unfathomable to me. Like giving up freedom because conservatives like to make life easy for big corporations. Or paying >$10,000 for a broken health insurance that doesn’t cover half the things. Or letting your children get shot at in schools…
I’m sorry if my “labels” have some connotation to you that I’m not educated on because I don’t take part in everyday-life in that society. I’ll remeber that there is a difference in perception among certain groups of people.
It’s just that influencers have some power over people. And hearing the same things over and over again makes you believe in it at some point. And Tucker Carlson definitely does framing, polemics and portrays things in a counter-factual way. In my eyes that’s lying by omission. And he does this deliberately so I can’t trust anything he says. Also he doesn’t value American values at all but instead likes Autocrats like Putin. He doesn’t see that politicians sometimes are idiots and things happen out of incompetence. He immediately sees a big and emotional conspiracy story behind everything, when in reality most of the times it’s just incompetence and/or simple greed.
And I’m sorry, but not “believing” in things like climate change is just stupid. And spreading this is dangerous. You could spend like 5 minutes, have a look at the graphs and educate yourself. Or ask a farmer who does the job for a few years. Or go outside or visit Spain or some of the other places that have serious droughts for consecutive year after year now. I’m my eyes the amount of people who don’t “believe” in science, or get it completely 180 degrees wrong, just shows the general state of education in a society and if an education system has failed a decent share of the population. And being proud to be uneducated doesn’t make you an appropriate “journalist”.
So disregarding any labels, he has proven to tell fake-news, false conspiracy stories, make up things or just reproduce things Putin made up. And his former employer had to pay hundreds of millions to settle and let him go because he told too many lies. You -of course- may watch him, but I’d be wary about any word that comes out of his mouth. It may very well be made up by himself or people he admires. And it may be because he’s pushing an agenda and trying to convince you to believe in lies.
Of course that doesn’t address whether other people are more believable or not. Some of them might also be pushing some agenda, that’s true.
It’s not necessarily the conservative perspective that gets me, more the lying and being dishonest that I’m not okay with…
But if you ask me, I’d say you have to oppose the perspective of people like this if values like freedom and liberty are important to you. And the future of your country. Because this perspective is close to being shills of big oil and big pharma companies, denying things like climate change for money, so big companies can rip off the people even more. And most of it happens at the expense of the average guy.
Thanks for pointing that out, yes, the labels would be kind of tricky, the meanings do not still static.
Depending on who you read or watch, they may differ greatly.
True, that is a problem all countries seem to be facing, where the owner class buys our politicians (with legal bribery, lobbying; or prop up people to push their agenda).
I am also sorry, my views and use of labels change as I take in more information from people I do not agree with and from people I do agree with.
Yes, that is the problem I am with people similar to him. It is difficult to gauge if they are being honest or if they are pushing an agenda so as to gain something from it.
I still watch them, so I do not create my own bubble (AKA an echo chamber), we can always learn something from people we do not agree with or do not think like we do, that is how I see it.
Piers Morgan is a similar one, but in this case we know he does not own his channel or news company fully due to it being “owned by News UK, a subsidiary of the Murdoch family’s News Corp.”
That quote is from a Financial Times article, where it is outlined by Sabby Sabbs (Another commentator I watch, (02:27:06]
You are correct that science has a lot of evidence that shows climate change is being caused by human activity. The problems arise when the push for Green Technology is high-jacked by the owner class, which makes people question and be criticial of everything, this could also be applied to COVID19 discussion (due to trillion/billion dollar companies and people like Bill Gates push for a product they directly contribute and profit from).
That is why I try to watch people I do not agree with and people I somewhat do agree with.
True, it boils down to the owner class vs. the working class.
That is why some say: No War but Class War!
Hehe. Seems we have arrived at similar conclusions. I think it’s a shame that so much is about emotion and so little about facts. At least on the internet and in political debate.
I’m super happy with agreeing to disagree on opinions. It’s just that we have to agree on facts. Or there isn’t any argument to be made. And yeah, I -too- think filter bubbles are a major issue in society. And it’s self-reinforcing and is bound to happen in the mainstream culture with the way current internet platforms work.
I think politics should rely on evidence and science. For me it’s super easy: What’s gasoline or oil gonna cost in 2035? We have a rough estimate on our oil reserves. If it’s like ten times the price of today, I can’t afford a car that runs on fossil fuel anymore. So I need an alternative. That’s probably an EV because we have a good idea on how to produce electricity with today’s cost out of wind, solar etc… And please manufacture these solar panels locally and do something for the domestic economy and not import everything from China.
I don’t see many people lobbying for this kind of thinking. But i really think it’s as simple as that. Undortunately we have to act now and upgrade the grid and the power plants now. Because if we do a half-assed job now and only really start in 10 years, it’s gonna turn out very expensive for the average people. And we need energy for our daily lives.