After last night’s blowout against St.Louis, we’re 10 points behind Calgary in the second wild card spot but actually 3 games ahead of them. And the Kraken’s default is playing the last 15 minutes of the game only. Do you think heads will roll? I know it’s Bylsma’s first season, so maybe not…
I started watching them in season 2, where a common phrase the TV commentators were using was “outscoring our problems” and praising the depth. I wonder what happened, the Kraken seem so… joyless most of the time.
Kakko was definitely a great pickup. It seems like anytime there’s a new guy on the team, they have a great start. Tatar had a good start last year too. Let’s hope Kakko stays a bit longer.
I really hope they rally a little. Gru is already in the AHL, I don’t think scapegoating the goalie will work the second time.