Premier Doug Ford is first Ontario party leader since 1959 to win 3 majorities

    4 days ago

    Wild that the LPC have 60% more votes than the NDP and 52% of the seats.

    NDP really punching an outsized impact relative to the vote distribution. I wonder if that was strategized or just a coincidence. The LPC got massively slammed by close races,

    Glad the LPC got their status back. They really really pulled in votes, to see them still fail to get party status would be so frustrating. That’s not to say I’m happy with their leadership, they can do better.

    I’m not upset seeing Bonnie Cromblie losing her riding (race is not closed yet, won’t be closed for another hour from now), I did not like how she ran her campaign at all.

    Also glad to see Catherine Mckenny won! I love them, they’re awesome for the community, it was frustrating they didn’t become mayor of Ottawa, but maybe as an MP they have a new chance to do good.

    I really wish the people of Ontario had punished the conservatives more. They failed to run a campaign – I don’t get it. Nobody showed up to my door. They didn’t drop off any flyers. The entire party didn’t show up to a single local debate or make a single news appearance or take a single interview.