debian 12.9

I downloaded the .tar.gz file from github, extracted, opened a terminal, typed ./uad-ng-linux and accessed the application.

If I want to delete applications I need to review my selection, but from this window (review your selection) for whatever reason I cannot scroll down and cannot see options cancel and apply.

The whole application is so dark I cannot see the scrolling bar to the right. I only know it’s there thanks to youtube.

Is it normal that the application reacts so slow? machine is a 2016 i7-7500U CPU @ 2.70GHz.

Have I downloaded the false tar.gz? This is debian.

Terminal output after executing the application from the terminal:

[/home/runner/.cargo/registry/src/] Unable to find extension: VK_EXT_swapchain_colorspace END

[/home/runner/.cargo/registry/src/] Detected skylake derivative running on mesa i915. Clears to srgb textures will use manual shader clears.

Oh, and my mouse’s scroll up and down wheel doesn’t work, would you know what key combination I need to use to scroll up and down?

thank you