Literally just trying to be an asshole and a creep. It’s not haraam to simply see things, it’s considered taboo to go out 9f your way to look for them. All this does is signify that you’re an incredible asshole.
I don’t think they do honestly. I expect to see some vile shit on reddit this Ramadan considering how libs are still mad about their genocider throwing the election.
Luckily I’m somewhat immune at this point. There’s an iftar event in honor of Malcom X at my university which I plan to go to the night it starts, which I think will lift my mood considerably.
Literally just trying to be an asshole and a creep. It’s not haraam to simply see things, it’s considered taboo to go out 9f your way to look for them. All this does is signify that you’re an incredible asshole.
Also, if she cares about religion that much, “every day” means she’ll be breaking Sabbath rules.
I don’t think they do honestly. I expect to see some vile shit on reddit this Ramadan considering how libs are still mad about their genocider throwing the election.
Luckily I’m somewhat immune at this point. There’s an iftar event in honor of Malcom X at my university which I plan to go to the night it starts, which I think will lift my mood considerably.
Ramadan Mubarak habibi
Ramadan Mubarak