And yet, China is using AI.

…I… don’t know what to think about that.

…I really don’t.

Because it seems that AI is just a scam.

It may “exist” but what it can do is a scam.

Maybe China thinks we have to use it just to “keep up” with the Western powers, but I dunno.

Anyway, interesting discussion with Adam Conover and Ed Zitron. It’s long, but you can listen to it while doing other things. And the comments are interesting too, but then again, there are also trolls in the comments as well (AI supporters here and there).

Frankly, though? I oppose AI. I’m anti-AI. I’m anti-AI in China and anti-AI in America and anti-AI in the whole damn planet.

    7 days ago

    The claim that AI is a scam is a ridiculous and can only be stated by someone who doesn’t understand the technology. Are we genuinely supposed to believe that capitalists hate profits and capital accumulation and are just wasting their money on something worthless? It’s absurd. AI is already making huge breakthroughs in many fields, such as medicine with protein folding. I would recommend watching this video on that subject in particular. China has also been rapidly improving the speed of construction projects by coordinate them with AI.

    To put it in laymen’s terms, traditional computation is like Vulcans: extremely logical and have to go compute everything logically step-by-step. This is very good if you want precise calculations, but very bad for many other kinds of tasks. Here’s an example: you’re hungry, you decide to go eat a pizza, you walk to the fridge and open it, take out the slice, put it in the microwave to heat it up, then eat it. Now, imagine if I gave you just the sensory data, such as, information about what a person is seeing and feeling (hunger), and then asked you to write a full-proof sequence of logical statements that, when evaluated alongside the sensory data, would give you the exact muscle contractions needed to cause the person to carry out this task.

    You’ll never achieve it. Indeed, even very simple tasks humans do every day, like translating spoken words into written words, is something that nobody has ever achieved a set of logical if/else statements to replicate. Even something seemingly simple like this is far too complicated with far too many variables for someone to ever program, because everyone’s voice is a bit different, every audio recording is going to have slightly different background noise, etc, and to account for all of it with a giant logical proof would be practically impossible.

    The preciseness of traditional computation is also its drawback: you simply cannot write a program to do very basic human tasks we do every day. You need a different form of computation that is more similar to how human brains process information, something that processes information in a massively parallel fashion through tweaking billions of parameters (strengths in neural connections) to produce approximate and not exact outputs that can effectively train itself (“learn”) without a human having to adjust those billions of parameters manually.

    If you have ever used any device with speech recognition, such as writing a text message with spoken voice, you have used AI, since this is one of the earliest examples of AI algorithms actually being used in consumer devices. USPS heavily integrates AI to do optical-character recognition, to automatically read the addresses written on letters to get them to the right place, Tom Scott has a great video on this here on the marvel of engineering that is the United States Postal Service and how it is capable of processing the majority of mail entirely automatically thanks to AI.

    Being anti-AI is just being a Luddite, it is oppose technological development. Of course, not all AI is particularly useful, some companies shove it into their products for marketing purposes and it doesn’t help much and may even make the experience worse. But to oppose the technology in general makes zero sense.

    (Note: I am using the term “AI” interchangeably with technology based on artificial neural networks.)