Where’s that graph of daily caloric intake before and after the fall of the Soviet Union? I think it was only good times for the people who got to loot all the state industries
And since those people own the media that produce the state propaganda for them and manufacture consent, the people believe them, as opposed to the dispair they see among their own communities and then you get absolutely shit takes like those posted in the screenshots. It’s the circle of oligarchy and teaching unquestioning appeal to authority.
The 1990s-famously known for BiH having a GREAT time! Definitely no wars during the breakup of Yugoslavia that resulted in multiple genocides (many unrecognized officially, but horrific mass murders no matter how you slice it)
I have no doubt things have only gotten worse in Russia
Reality begs to differ:
But please go on about how the 90s, which are literally viewed as an apocalyptic time of collective national trauma in Russia, were the best time because the West and its corporations had free reign to do what they pleased in Russia. Tell that to the tens of thousands of children who had to live on the streets, in abject poverty, who were abused and trafficked, the millions of people who lost their livelihoods and turned to alcohol and drugs out of despair, or just committed suicide.
It was a good time for Bosnia and Herzegovina
Oh yeah, i’m sure the 90s were such a good time for Bosnia and the other Yugoslav countries who were embroiled in fratricidal wars which killed at least a million people. Or for the people of Serbian Krajina who literally got ethnically cleansed by the hundreds of thousands by US and EU backed Croatian fascists. I’m sure it was a great time for the people of Belgrade to be brutally and illegally bombed for 78 days for the crime of being a thorn in NATO’s ambitions of world domination.
a good time for Germany since the country was finally unified
Oh yes, such a good time for western German capital that got to loot the socialist property of East Germany, destroy its industries and take away the East Germans’ social safety nets. That’s why so many East Germans are now turning to fascists like the AfD, because the destruction of socialism was such a wonderful time for them, because they totally didn’t get scammed and fooled by the empty promises of the West.
Good time if you’re a corporate vulture, a corrupt politician, a criminal gangster, a class traitor labor aristocrat, or a kleptocratic oligarch out to plunder what the people of Eastern Europe worked for decades to build. Bad time for everyone else in those countries, so much so that most of them experienced such a massive declines in population, life expectancy and living standards the likes of which is only seen in world wars and genocides.