A senior Conservative MP has said it is time to consider the “possibility” that the US president is a Kremlin asset. Graham Stuart, a former Foreign Office minister, issued the comment in response to Donald Trump’s decision to pause all military aid to Ukraine. The extraordinary move comes as the US administration seeks to pressure... Read more »
That’s a good point.
They want to help Russia but also line their pockets along the way.
Afaiu, they don’t give a hoot about Russia, they just see the US as “declining” and thus want the US to end as quickly as possible, so they can privatize the remains for their own benefit.
Actually there’s more to it than just their own benefit, and it’s far more dangerous.
It’s about saving the world by destroying it. There is this strange movement called accelerationism, basically the idea that tiday’s world is doomed and we should speed up it’s destruction to trigger {the rapture,world revolution leading to communism,settling Mars,alien intervention}.