The incident occurred during the comedy duo’s recent performance in Sydney, Australia, during which Gass made a birthday wish onstage: “Don’t miss Trump next time.” While video showed attendees responding with laughter, the comment garnered the attention of right-wing politicians in Australia, who proceeded to call for Tenacious D’s deportation.

Taking the high road is swell, but also fuck off, Karen. Kyle Gass is a comedic rock’n’roller whose job includes improvising jokes for laughs. Maybe this joke wasn’t funny, but it’s a damned joke. Same joke, by the way, that I’ve heard from a few friends and seen on half a dozen blogs.

The MAGA crowd, including elected members of Congress, the Senate, Donald Trump, and J D Vance, constantly talk about arresting, imprisoning, shooting anyone who says or does anything they don’t like — and they’re not joking.

    2 months ago

    The MAGA crowd, including elected members of Congress, the Senate, Donald Trump, and J D Vance, constantly talk about arresting, imprisoning, shooting anyone who says or does anything they don’t like — and they’re not joking.

    Yeah… And that’s one of the things that make them the problem. So maybe let’s not also be the problem?