More Swedes want to switch currency from the krona to the Euro, with support the highest it’s been since 2009, according to a survey by Gothenburg University’s SOM Institute.
More Swedes want to switch currency from the krona to the Euro, with support the highest it’s been since 2009, according to a survey by Gothenburg University’s SOM Institute.
How is that an argument for adopting the Euro? They stopped the outflow of capital in a couple days, and it’s been 30 years. Seems like it worked.
They could do it because we were a small currency, and it it didn’t quite work, at least not the way it worked before. The currency is now “floating” against other currencies which it wasn’t back then, and we had a recession at the time. I agree that Sweden would be giving up a few tools in the economic toolbox, but on the other hand it gains a few others. I can’t say which ones are more valuable because I’m not an economist. I suspect you’re not either.
We should be able to have public debate about public policy. My opinion obviously doesn’t matter much, but the decision is ultimately in the hands of Sweden’s people - not economists.
Public debate is fine. Good even. I wouldn’t support a referendum on the Euro though. That would just be another brexit, where lies and falsehoods are spread and a country being split apart. Let the government do an assessment on the benefits and drawbacks and then announce a policy on what they intend to do, and let’s see how things turn out in the general election.