A reddit post in r/fednews. Trump Took Away Adobe Acrobat and it took Me 45min to Combine Files Fed only Not that this matters but for anyone who thinks this is creating efficiency, Trump/Elmo took away my agencies Adobe acrobate away which means I can’t edit documents. So instead of being efficient and taking 5seconds to combine a pdf, I took 45min along with IT to combine files. That’s how I spend my time these days, trying to overcome the obstacles they put in place so I can do my job. For all this talk about government employees not doing work, I’m working double time just to keep up with what they are doing.
I have a cli command for it somewhere in my shell history
Oooh I’d love to see that if you find a spare moment 🙏
I’ll totally check it if I remember. Don’t hesitate to ping me if I don’t reply with it in a day.
Windows, Linux, or mac?
Linux or Mac, but if you only have windows I can convert, thank you!
it’spdftk $(ls -v *.pdf) cat output merged.pdf
for all pdf files in the directory andpdftk a.pdf b.pdf cat output merged.pdf
for specific files.