In my country, there’s a good humoured way to describe the “beard” I have: half a dozen hairs, playing cards, and they still haven’t found the table. Spotty, thin, uneven, that just passes a sense of being unclean when it starts to grow. And the itching sensation… At least I don’t get that greenish tint on my skin when the hairs are close shaven. Those guys are really unlucky.
Are you sure? I mean typically dysphoria caused by facial hair is a sign. It absolutely was for me.
I just hate shaving.
I hate shaving too, as well as having a scratchy face with beard shadow 😔
I can relate with that.
In my country, there’s a good humoured way to describe the “beard” I have: half a dozen hairs, playing cards, and they still haven’t found the table. Spotty, thin, uneven, that just passes a sense of being unclean when it starts to grow. And the itching sensation… At least I don’t get that greenish tint on my skin when the hairs are close shaven. Those guys are really unlucky.
Same. Seems some people work jobs that allow for beards, but if you don’t, shaving is a pain in the ass.
Believe them.