The original community was !, but the mods went on a “we own this community, not the users” power trip. They tried to forcibly migrate the community to ! instead, to consolidate power with the admins over there. The users revolted. The mods quickly reversed course, but the damage was already done and the community’s trust was already broken. ! was created as a protest against the 196 mods, and has been thriving ever since.
Isn’t there three? Or did .world get abandoned after the shitstorm that insured following the attempted migration?
! is still active. Just not as active as this one.
What’s supposed to be the third one next to this and .world?
This is the newer ! which isn’t run by the same people as the original ! This one was created when the mods of that community tried to migrate to ! which a lot of people weren’t on board with.
Yes but the original ! is dead so I didn’t count it
The original community was !, but the mods went on a “we own this community, not the users” power trip. They tried to forcibly migrate the community to ! instead, to consolidate power with the admins over there. The users revolted. The mods quickly reversed course, but the damage was already done and the community’s trust was already broken. ! was created as a protest against the 196 mods, and has been thriving ever since.
Which makes 2 communities since the original one is dead