You can’t even speak frankly here. I came to Lemmy because I was tired of being censored by Reddit, but it seems like this place is just as restrictive on speech as Reddit was.

People, if we are going to talk about systemic change for a better world, violence has to be a tool in the toolbox.

    6 months ago

    People advocating these things are never willing to put their money where their mouth is and create their own instance. Anyone can create their own instance, it just never seems to be them.

    Meanwhile this person seems to be perfectly content with feds bashing down my door because of stuff they say, just not their door.

    • Masterblaster420@lemmy.worldOP
      6 months ago

      This feels like a dare to me. I don’t create my own instances because i don’t want to spend all my time tinkering with some BS on the internet, but it looks like I need to put my money where my mouth is. I’ll be right back.

        6 months ago

        Not daring. Just saying Lemmy can absolutely accommodate you, but we’re individuals, we are held personally liable for what is posted. If you want to post that sort of content you can, the beauty of the fediverse is that you or your group can easily spin up your own instance and say whatever you like. But then you are also personally responsible for that.

        I used to be very open to privacy on mine until someone sent waves of spambots at it and then I had to lock it down. I wanted to allow people from tor and vpns but then I quickly realized I would be the one in trouble if anything was said. I just can’t have that amount of risk, I just wanted to host a small community.

          6 months ago

          If you run a tor relay, and encrypt all traffic, and do not store data locally, and make sure not to do any other nefarious activity online. There are legal resources to help you. But yes, it is a very very very shitty experience if the alphabet agencies come knocking. Expect to be audited, and have your employer and family members interviewed.

          If you’re not able or willing (completely understandable) to run a tor node consider donating to the EFF who will defend tor relay hosts.

            6 months ago

            I actually read that exact one when I had just set it up. I came over during the big Reddit exodus and was so excited to set up my instance, just a small one with a few communities that I felt like I could handle. The downside is it’s the whole of the fediverse, and I quickly had to defed from several instances and had to moderate way more than I’d like. It’s honestly exhausting, and then the whole CSAM attacks happened, and then the spam attacks, and it’s a lot for one guy.

            I broke down during the first csam attacks, I saw some horrific shit. I luckily was in therapy and talked about it, but goddamn do they post the worst things out there. I never thought I’d have contacts with federal agencies as a reporter (in the US if you host a site you are a mandated reporter), but here we are. All because I just wanted to talk about pop music.

            And then people wonder why I don’t allow other material. I can barely handle the okayish material posted, let alone actual vile shit that comes my way, no one prepped me for that. I give kudos to others who do, the admins are way stronger than I am, but damn are there a lot of people out there who just want to ruin the little communities we have.

            So, back to the OP, that’s why I kneejerk reacted there. It’s not nearly as fun hosting this as I thought it would be, and I’ve debated many times shutting it down, but I believe in the fediverse and open social media so I try to keep it up. It’s constant spam fighting, trolling protection, and just a headache, and it’s still never enough, users always demand it should be more open, but I just can’t.