Despite the triggering headline, this is a pretty good article that talks about how younger men are falling for this horseshit
Despite the triggering headline, this is a pretty good article that talks about how younger men are falling for this horseshit
Maybe it’s shitty pop politics and it isn’t only just feminism or any other hot marketed divisive-styled news topic, it’s all the pop politics, whether they are left or right.
I’m convinced people hate the pop news system and are too consumed in it to understand that’s their enemy and not the topics that the news markets. I swear mass media is building anti LGBT and anti feminism on purpose by never shutting the fuck up about it. In turn people blame feminists and LGBT when it’s the news system shoving shit in people’s faces and gaslighting everyone to hate everyone.
Marketing is the enemy of all of us.
Not saying you are wrong. In my view, having grown up under the system of being a disposable male, seeing something like “mens mental health day cancelled because of lack of female representation” is right on par with what I grew up with and honestly what we should be working against.
I do agree media has their hand on the scale making things worse. That said, media isn’t the sole contributor to the problem. Foisting the responsibility onto an amplifier ignores the baseline sentiment.