For me it would be that lifting can take time. It’s okay to start with light weights and it’s okay that getting bigger will take more than three months. Sure, pushing yourself is good to make progress, but everyone has their limits.

Also, lifting can be for more than just getting bigger. In the beginning I was hyper focussed on getting more muscular and it led to me taking awful homemade protein/caloric shakes which cannot be healthy long term. It took me pretty long to understand that this way of training was not what I wanted. Luckily I now know that I want to focus on strength and stamina and that size comes second.

How about you?

    1 year ago
    • Progressive overload goes a lot faster when you’re starting your lifting journey. I used to increase weights once every week or two when I had the ability to increase 2’5 kg every training day. In my first serious attempt at the gym I ended up squatting 50 kg after 3 months when I could have been dealing perfectly with 80 or even more.
    • On the other side of the scale: training form is essential before increasing weight. Otherwise you may find yourself with a wrist sprain for the next month (talking from experience here), and that being one of the best scenarios.
    • Running shoes are for running, not for lifting weights. If you have nothing else, switch to barefoot when you’re getting on your heaviest sets.
    • Half of the work is done in the gym and the other half is done in the kitchen. “Eating well” is not enough: calorie counting and controlling macros (especially protein) is key.
    • Lifting belts give you superpowers. I skyrocketed out of a plateau after getting one and I don’t have any other explanation of why.