• volodya_ilich@lemm.ee
    1 month ago

    Sure, I’ll answer your comment in more detail.

    First of all, you saw a post about the left and the right, and you automatically went to talk about the USA as if it was a USA specific meme.

    Secondly, there’s no problem with “the far left and the far right” in the USA. There’s a problem of a far right party called republican, and a milquetoast party called democrat. There’s no far left with representation in the USA since McCarthyism. There’s no “polarisation between far left and far right”, there’s nobody in the US advocating expropriation of the means of production, there’s a party with a milquetoast rightist genocide supporter, and another party with a literal pedophile maniac who’d bomb Palestine even harder. There’s no leftist calling for relax of tensions with China and Russia, no leftist for the decolonization of Puerto Rico, no leftist for the establishing of a quality public retirement pension.

    You’re a centrist complaining about “polarization” and about “both sides” when there’s a far right party and leftist progressive people have no representation. There’s a problem with the right wing polarization of the USA, not the left wing polarization.

    • PresidentCamacho@lemm.ee
      1 month ago

      There’s a problem with the right wing polarization of the USA, not the left wing polarization. there’s a far right party and leftist progressive people have no representation.

      True but left rhetoric was rampant throughout the 2010s and it polarized the right into the facist shithole it is today. Look into trevors axiom, attacking a thing publicaly creates a platform for a thing. Its what happened to anti vax, used to be a meme, now its a significant portion of the population.

      • volodya_ilich@lemm.ee
        1 month ago

        True but left rhetoric was rampant throughout the 2010s and it polarized the right into the facist shithole it is today

        Again, no. The funding that pro-fascist media like Fox or Ben Shapiro or the Daily Wire get is what polarised the right, not a few SJWs on the internet and the #MeToo movement.

        • PresidentCamacho@lemm.ee
          1 month ago

          True. Fox, Shapiro, and how do you miss the original right wing shithead Rush Limbaugh. Have you ever listened to what they say? I wouldn’t blame you for not, but all it is is putting a lens on shit like cancel culture, tricking them into believing that’s the way the world is ,well maybe 20% that and 80% fabricating their own new lies, but its almost entirely built off of stuff that was all originally made throughout regular news which anyone could see, which allowed people who didn’t like louis c.k. being canceled because they liked his comedy and now they’re mad, but look fox news agrees with me, ill start watching their news instead. People as a whole are extremely simple.

          Its also ignoring how a lot of people on the right were raised that way, so these thoughts aren’t even their own, they’re victims in all of this too. Useful idiots yes, but also victims. I knew many people who voted for trump only because Bernie wasn’t allowed to run. Many trump voters just want to burn down the system that has robbed them of the life the country used to promise us, they see trump as that cure. they’re wrong, but the intention is important in finding common ground. In fact when I meet them, unless they’re the super unhinged maga hat wearing dipshits, which has definitely become more common. I mean meeting the “anything but dems” voters, I have real talks with them, when u get past the rhetoric the majority of them want the same stuff as anyone else, they want a home, they want a life, they want to be paid well, they dont want a billionaire class ruling us instead of ourselves. They’ve just been manipulated into thinking the republican party is the only way they’ll get it. This is why i preach cohesion. So many of us want the same thing but were too busy fighting this culture war, which the majority of Americans wouldn’t care about if the entirety of news media wasn’t shoving it down our throats, all paid for by billionaires that want us to keep fighting a culture war, so we forget they’re the true enemy.