Sports? Marriage? Relationships? Professional environment? Pronouns?

Does it change based on the cause of the person’s intersex diagnosis?

    3 months ago

    I grew up in a very conservative neighborhood in a very conservative town and went to a very conservative religious school. There was no sex-ed but there was a class on hygiene. There was no dancing but there was a “banquet” at which they served rice pilaf and rubbery chicken breast from a steam table.

    There was never any mention of gay people, trans, intersex or anything else except that sex was reserved for a man and a woman after they were married.

    The only exception to the above is the mention of eunuchs by Jesus in Matt 19:22. But what is a eunuch? I was told it was a person who had their genitals cut off and lived a life of celibacy.

    Based on my experience alone, I would say that a common conservative attitude and policy is to ignore, deny and/or never acknowledge anything that’s not straight man+woman married for the purpose of having children.

    In the case of the boxing woman, it’s interesting to think that if you only have two categories and you have to put her into one, some people put her in one category and some the other, but there doesn’t seem (to me) to be any clear objective way to tell which is right. This could be an indication that there really are more than 2 genders.

    Or it could be that a cisgender woman of color whose body doesn’t conform to fascist eugenic purity standards is being targeted because she’s a better boxer than the white women and well, racism.