The question is discussed in this podcast episode.

Cynthia Williams is out at WotC, which begs the question: If you were hired as the new CEO, what would you do to right the ship of game and sail us all to safer waters?

    5 months ago

    Do what Paizo did and make all rules free. Charge for books that contain art and adventures. Hire or contract with good writers for high quality adventures. Playtest the hell out of everything and have a robust QA department. Keep or hire diversity consultants to prevent other scandals.

    Invest in the other classic settings more and revisit esoteric FR locations.

    Actually balance the game for high levels and magic items. Standardize magic and item descriptions while keeping the effects and flavor.

    Integrate dndbeyond with other vtts and sell content on them. Sell PDFs. Call Over D&D 6e or 5.5e ffs.