• So you’re absolutely correct in saying that not all slippery-slope arguments are fallacies, it just takes logic in between, and that’s something a lot of people struggle with.

    This is the problem with the fallacy-touting crowd. They only partially understand what the fallacy actually is. Not all, as you pointed out, slippery slope arguments are fallacious, but if you make a sound slippery slope some “fallacy expert” will chime in and trumpet how bad your argument is because they only half-spotted the pattern.

    In a similar vein, personal abuse is not the ad hominem fallacy. And an ad hominem argument is also not automatically fallacious. Examples:

    • You’re wrong, you piece of shit, because of <insert list of valid reasons>. (Uncouth, yes, but not the ad hominem fallacy.)
    • “My client claims he didn’t attack you.” “Of course he does! He’d be an idiot to admit he did!” (An ad hominem argument, but not the ad hominem fallacy.)
    • You’re wrong because you’re a Nazi. (An actual ad hominem fallacy! You can find this particular one in the wild … pretty much Internet-wide.)

    I once thought I was clever by coining the term “fallacy fallacy” for dealing with the mouth-breathers who screech “FALLACY!!!” while flapping their arms wildly as if attempting to launch themselves to the moon. Unfortunately I was beaten to the punch by decades.