I’ve installed PyFedi and did the things outlined in the INSTALL.txt

flask db migrate
flask init-db

Now when I add communities or posts, English is the only option for language. And I’ve looked into the PostgreSQL database… It’s just two rows in the language table, Undetermined and English.

Did I do something wrong? Is that supposed to happen? How can I add all the other languages, because on piefed.social there is a long list of options available.

  • Andrew@piefed.social
    3 months ago

    No, I don’t think you did anything wrong. It looks like languages are added as your instance becomes aware of them. On my test instance, there was a very random-looking list of 8 languages, but sticking !ich_iel@feddit.org in ‘Add Remote’ meant that ‘Deutsch’ was added too.

  • Rimu@piefed.social
    3 months ago

    Yes, as Andrew said, languages are added automatically as content using those languages arrives from other instances.

    This is not ideal. I think we need to improve something either in the initial setup or the admin UI.

    You can work around this by subscribing to a community that uses the language you want. Or you could manually insert a row into the language table in the DB - ensure the value of the ‘code’ column is the standard 2 letter language code for your language. Which language is it?