The American media loves saying that, but does it really have a right to exist? Does an apartheid colonizing regime have the right to exist in someone else’s land?

    1 year ago

    Man , I am all ears of your heroism if you can relocate those people from Gaza to a suitable place in any Arab country , otherwise I don’t think anyone of you can stop the genocide. " it doesn’t matter" how much right it has morally but it “exists” and its an absolute fact and its also a fact that you , I and commies from lemmy alone can’t change the facts on ground . " try telling this to a Palestinian and see what happens." - Are you giving me a death threat here ? There are Rohingya people who fled from Myanmar after facing decades of genocide and persecution in large numbers and now are settled in Bangladesh’s slum . Where are the commie organizations ? Why can’t China and Russia ask Myanmar to retake their own people ? Where is the Islamic organization ? They won’t do any shit for these people just like western commies solidarity to Rohingya and Palestiniains . Westerners talk a lot and do a little in grand scheme of things , Palestinian solidarity from the western world is just a facade on the corpses of humanity.

    • ☭CommieWolf☆
      1 year ago

      try telling this to a Palestinian and see what happens." - Are you giving me a death threat here ?

      Interesting that you seem to assume that Palestinians will try to kill you for just talking to them.

      You keep talking about Westerners, I have no idea why, maybe you think I am one? And the Rohingya issue has been discussed by communist parties where I am, I don’t know about what is being said in the west, but I don’t care, it doesn’t matter if they address it or not, its a problem for Myanmar and those in the region that are actually able to affect it.

      I get the feeling you’re just debatebro-ing me at this point, but I’d prefer if you didn’t lump me in with the average cracker who has never stepped outside of Wisconsin, thats all.