• Fosheze@lemmy.world
    1 month ago

    To be fair, I’m sure a lot of the undocumented stops are for pidly stuff like the 1AM drunk checks. I get off work a bit after midnight and every once in a while I get pulled over for pidly shit like my tires touching a line or doing 3mph over the limit. Cop walks up to the window and asks where I’m heading from and to. I say work and home. They give me the excuse for pulling me over and send me on my way. I highly doubt they properly doccument every one of those encounters considering I’ve never gotten any warnings and my record still shows absolutely nothing.

    Is it anoying? Yes. Is it illegal? Maybe (they normally find flimsy probably cause). But they wouldn’t be wasting their time doing it if it didn’t work right? This is going to be an unpopular opinion but if they bust even 1 asshole drunk driver per night by doing it then it’s worth it.

    I’m normally pretty anti cop (look at any of my other comments about them) but failing to doccument every 30 second encounter doesn’t seem like the end of the world. Chicago has a ton of cops so that is going to be a ton of nothingburger pidly encounters. Now, if they’re failing to doccument when actual action is taken then that’s a different issue entirely.