• ameancow@lemmy.world
    3 months ago

    Why would anyone live there?

    The international perception of America is far, far stranger than how the USA really is. Like everything. If we were to go by perceptions of other countries alone by media and memes and news reporting, I can point to a LOT of places that would beg the question, “why live there?” but for the majority of people here, it’s a peaceful, expansive and free place to live. You just have to fit into the select population that gets those benefits, which can look like different things in different parts of the USA.

    This is why the US is still seen as the “shining beacon on the hill” and why US currency is accepted anywhere in the world. The US has massive problems and we have that little issue with being you know… the actual evil empire and all that. But it’s still vastly ahead of many places in the world so asking why anyone would live here is as ignorant as if I were to ask why anyone would live in the UK because I read stories about some of the terrible practices and laws there.

    It’s very hip and cool to say “USA BAD” online, but most people don’t really feel that way. That’s a deeply internet attitude and a lot of the time you see people living here complaining about it the same way they complain about their job. They hate it, but wouldn’t trade it for the alternative.