I really like to have some variety in my daily liter of tea I drink. Puerh can be steeped very many times, but oolong is pretty good too. Green and white are a completely different ballgame, but I enjoy them as well.
If you keep your daily caffeine dose very low, you can actually get a noticeable boost when you need it. I used to be like that, and next week I’ll start reducing my caffeine intake in order to get to that state again.
I really like to have some variety in my daily liter of tea I drink. Puerh can be steeped very many times, but oolong is pretty good too. Green and white are a completely different ballgame, but I enjoy them as well.
If you keep your daily caffeine dose very low, you can actually get a noticeable boost when you need it. I used to be like that, and next week I’ll start reducing my caffeine intake in order to get to that state again.