Hey! I’m looking for a headlamp to use on a kayak. Everything you use while paddling eventually gets drenched, so it needs to be waterproof. I paddle on the Baltic Sea so the water is slightly salty, too.
I’ve noticed a bunch of headlamps have magnetic charging now. For example, Skilhunt H150 looks good and fairly priced and it’s IPX8 rated, but there’s the magnetic charing connector. I’ve seen reports that it produces sparks when shorted. Isn’t that going to be a problem when it gets wet? I also wonder what kind of effect repeatedly being exposed to the sea water has on it. Anyone got experience with it?
I immersed an H150 in salt water for 30 minutes. There was no decrease in battery voltage, no water ingress, and no effect on function.
Cool! I placed an order for a H150, but probably takes a while before it gets here. I’l make another post if anything worth noting happens once it gets some use.