I tried rclone and it freaked out at regular ping intervals and instead deleted everything on the drive. GG. I want to like you Proton but your decisions of late are ASTHENATE. I wouldn’t have minded the crypto wallet release if basic features on the core apps were remotely coherently finished. The AI writer add on for a local model doesn’t even work on Firefox. For people supposedly embracing the FOSStyle, this isn’t the way. /rant

  • Dave@mastodon.world
    1 month ago

    @Dave Thank you. I agree with you 6% is a small percentage. The problem is Linux users don’t mind swimming upstream. They dropped M$ (not acceptable in today’s business climate of conform or die). They’re vocal.

    There are other solutions to the problem. Proton is aware of these complications, yet they persist in refusing to make a Linux client for Proton Drive. Worst, they won’t say why. The Linux community is watching and searching for a solution…not silence.