Blacks will try to invalidate the struggles of Asians just because whites don’t see us as the number 1 local threat, even though being their number 1 global threat makes us treated more harshly in certain other aspects.

Blacks in American media are seen as athletic gods, with big penises. This would be unimaginable for an Asian. White Americans have the best soft power in the world, meaning the best propaganda in the world.

Asians are the focus of their negative media attention. We are disparaged as weak nerds.

In certain aspects, yes, blacks have it better than Asians, your population is even greater than ours. There is strength in numbers.

We are seen as spies. Because of how powerful of a threat China is to America, Asians are sometimes hazed to death in schools and in the military (why would you join the American military as an Asian is another topic) and in scientific research fields.

We are seen as weak, submissive, nerds who can’t do anything other than being weak, submissive, nerds.

We’re punished for stepping outside of our racial stereotypes.

Whites might hate blacks, but remember that whites also hate other races.