More than a dozen former Ronald Reagan staff members have joined dozens of other Republican figures endorsing the Democratic nominee and vice-president, Kamala Harris, saying their support was “less about supporting the Democratic party and more about our resounding support for democracy”.
It’s not a contradiction, it’s a focus on Republicans.
I’m saying that endorsements like these convince Republican voters to vote for Harris.
For those who think there is no difference between the parties it may be less helpful. However if you’re truly standing in the middle, watching one side cross over to the other and only ever one side crossing over to the other, that should give you an idea of at least which way to start looking.
Of course I understand the cynic who just says everyone is just flip flopping around. For those folks endorsements aren’t the argument to make. Republicans voting for Democrats means they must be the same. In these cases it’s better to focus on policy or the individual. If I were an undecided voters who endorsed who wouldn’t sway me. Show me the policies, that’s what I’m looking for.
I don’t think they do. Think about yourself - could any endorsement convince you to vote for Trump? Because that’s the situation Republicans are in. They’re as committed to their nominde as you are to yours.
I’m telling you, with first hand experience, that they do.
And again, no, an endorsement alone isn’t ever going to convince me. There are multiple things that can convince people.
Some people are going to stick with what they’ve always stuck with.
Some people are going to focus on personality, “Have a beer with” .
Some are going to look at policy.
And of course no one is simple, so it’s usually a combination of the above.
But those Republicans who have always voted Republican, who finally see Trump for what he is, are looking for an alternative. They’re not risk takers. They aren’t just going to vote Harris if they’ve decided they can’t vote Trump. If however they see others from their crowd do it, they are likely to follow along.
Your anecdotal experience isn’t a strong data point. Just saying.
I think this helps. We’re talking opinion here. But to add data,
That’s who I’m talking about. Those disillusioned with Trump. “I can’t vote Trump. I won’t vote for Biden or Harris.” But with enough time and endorsements, maybe they will.
But this can also convince weak Harris supporters to not vote for her. I’m not convinced this helps more than it hurts.
It is funny to think about people sitting at home being convinced to show up to vote because of a bunch if hasbeen mummies.
I mean endorsements are weird.
Who was sitting at home not voting and saw the Taylor Swift endorsement and thought, yeah, now I’m voting for Harris.
Or who was not voting and saw the Swift endorsement and thought, yeah, I should vote.
But I also don’t see someone leaning voting for Harris, seeing someone else vote for Harris and then decide, no, now I won’t. Someone only swayed by endorsements are probably low information voters. They’re not going to see someone voting for Harris as a negative thing for Harris.
I think you’re underestimating how much some people hate Reagan.
I think you’re overestimating how informed people are.