
I’m looking for a portable ortholinear for taking to co-working in my backpack.

For context, I’m a coder. I use neovim all day. At home I use a maltron 3d. It’s a fantastic comfortable keyboard (I think kinesis nicked the design?), although it did take getting used to.

It’s the only keyboard I’ve ever been able to touch type on.

So yeah. I’d like to find something similar that is portable. It has to have quiet switches, as it’s a shared office. Any suggestions?

So far I’ve looked at:

Those all look nice, but are too expensive.

How does the ergodox ez hold up these days?

  • forrcaho@lemmy.world
    13 days ago

    I really liked my Keebio FoldKB, which I wrote about here, although for me the main attraction was its similarity to a standard keyboard, which sounds like it isn’t a consideration for you. I currently have a Moonlander, and the last time I was going on a trip, I packed it up but said “f*ck it” because it was just too cumbersome, and just relied on my laptop’s keyboard. I’ve taken my FoldKB on trips before, though, and it was much easier to take along. I think I will continue to use it on trips.