(517262521lx812) (2024)

Image description: A green snake with yellow patterns on its scales, coiled tightly in a complex, knot-like structure that resembles a human heart against a dark background. The snake’s head is positioned at the front with its mouth closed and eyes open, giving it an alert appearance.

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A heart made entirely of intertwined snakes. The serpents are coiled and twisted together, forming the shape of a realistic human heart. Their scales glisten with shades of green, black, and gold, while their heads emerge from various points, fangs bared and tongues flickering. The texture is both organic and intricate, with the snakes' bodies pulsing as if alive. The background is a dark, mysterious void, highlighting the eerie and surreal appearance of this snake heart.

Steps: 30, CFG scale: 1, Sampler: Euler, Seed: 1076230760472848, width: 864, height: 1120