Its prostitution. When society demands you pay more and more exhorberant fees to merely survive, the desperate often sell their own bodies to remain afloat.
For some that is sex work. For others, its the military. Sure, theoretically every one is volentarily taking these jobs of their own free will, but in reality it is almost always a forced choice out of duress.
Its prostitution. When society demands you pay more and more exhorberant fees to merely survive, the desperate often sell their own bodies to remain afloat.
For some that is sex work. For others, its the military. Sure, theoretically every one is volentarily taking these jobs of their own free will, but in reality it is almost always a forced choice out of duress.
Shameless comparison, prostitutes don’t commit war crimes, they are victims and hurt absolutely noone.
It’s a myth.
most offensively incorrect comment ive seen on here maybe ever