So awkward, but come on it says right there on the package to wash those mushrooms or whatever it is… You’re not their mom but you don’t wanna eat feces or whatever ended up on the produce. A quick rinse is never going to be perfect but it’s better than nothing.

In the absence of legitimate suggestions, commiseration is welcome too 😉

    3 months ago

    You full well know we’re talking about the average guy in just your everyday average bathroom usage.

    We’re not talking about edge cases.

    There are some edge cases where you would never wash your hands - because you don’t have any, or wearing a pee bag (whatever they are called)…

    There are some edge cases where you should just pee in your clothes - when you’re floating in the middle of the ocean all alone…

    There are some edge cases where you always make someone else handle your business - when you’re in a coma…

    There are some edge cases where you should hold your pee - someone has an example…

    What other edge cases do you want to think up to prove absolutely nothing?