Everytime I leave the house to do anything, I either

  1. get shit from people because I am wearing a mask -either minimizing and simply gaslighting comments, or plain agression
  2. when they seemy mask they decide to share their grief with me. It is so hard to listen to all the stories of people dying and becoming disabled from covid, shared by maskless people. I tell them masks work, and they should vaccinate. But it is so tiring. I am just trying to survive. I wish others would help each other survive. I am already tired from my chronic illnesses. Seeing the COVID numbers rise and no one masking or doing anything and staying in denial is horrible for my mental health. I am trying my best to hang on to my sanity. I wish you all that you stay sane too.
  • jet@hackertalks.com
    9 months ago

    Optional strategies

    • ignore them
    • offer them a mask if they are telling you a story about why people should wear masks
    • tell them it’s for pollution
    • your visiting a sick relative and you want to be careful
    • make a joke, ohh I have bad breath
    • make a joke, I feel sexier in the mask
    • if you have the energy tell them the truth, it’s just good health hygiene and your doing your part to keep everyone healthy.
    • tell them your sick… Scratchy throat. Etc.

    I live in a place that is still about 40% mask wearers. I carry extra masks. When someone is coughing on the train I just silently offer them a mask and stare at them with a slightly indulgent head shrug, so far it’s worked every time.

    I think the key is people read into your body language and confidence and respond to that far more then the mask.

    Before masks got normalized I used to get a cough every time I flied so I started wearing a mask while flying. Had one steward ask me, in a friendly way, why I was wearing it… Just told her… Oh my throat dries out on these flights and the masks helps.

  • Mnglw@beehaw.org
    9 months ago

    I get asked about my mask a bunch on the street. Honestly I’ve default to pointing to the trees and saying “allergic” which is true (MCAS, so allergic to everything under the sun including the sun) but not the only reason I wear a mask

    So if anyone wants an excuse, feel free to use that, even if you’re not allergic. People should keep their noses out of your mask, so I think giving a short answer is the best, even if its not true. They are not owed any reason just because they ask