In the hours following former President Donald Trump’s election victory, Google searches related to 4B — a fringe South Korean feminist movement that made a name for itself in the mid to late 2010s — surged in the United States.

    4 months ago

    Wow, what an amazing ally to women you are. You are totally willing to just use our bodies and vaginas for your own goals, just like that, huh?

    Well, what’s stopping you? You have two holes and two hands, presumably. Get to work buying votes. Plenty of conservative men like men. Download Grinder and you can start tonight. Stay safe.

      4 months ago

      Swing and a miss mate, can’t threaten me with a good time.

      I live in Australia, voting is compulsory, women don’t have to withhold sex in order to foment political change.

      You didn’t answer my question tho, what’s stopping you from understanding why young men in the us voted for trump? Especially young men who would “normally” vote democrat?

        4 months ago

        what’s stopping you from understanding why young men in the us voted for trump? Especially young men who would “normally” vote democrat?

        Lmfao go fuck yourself. It’s YOU who doesn’t understand, ya fucking gender narcissist. I’m not automatically wrong because I’m a woman.

        The reason men are moving rightwards is because of the global war we are already in. Russia has been making, disseminating, AND FUNDING VIA CRYPTO, right wing men and voices all over the world. They’ve done this en masse, all over every social media and video game, in Minecraft servers even. There are KGB books describing how they would go after divisions in America to create a civil war. They went after our military fighting force to cripple us with a civil war while they start WW3. The rush of superhero media after 9/11 and Call of Duty/military online games was a perfect breeding ground for this.

        Russia is working with Saudi Arabia and Elon Musk to destroy journalism so we can’t communicate what’s happening. Since Khashoggi and the Panama Papers.

        Trump is a Russian asset literally proven in court. It’s entirely possible he will start a civil war here soon. He will absolutely be siphoning money from the US to Russia. And we will be sending bodies to fight Russia’s wars too. Russian revenge is about to start. Trump will start to go after his enemies, likely Biden, Hilary, Obama, Taylor Swift, Kamala. All of those people should literally flee the country on Jan 20th and wait to come back until he’s not in office.

        He’s under Putin’s control and look at what mercy Putin had for Navalny. Putin is going to get revenge on America and soon Germany and any other nation he feels justified in harming.

        How do you all not see that? And then blame WOMEN? For an active hostile military propaganda campaign by a hostile nation?

        Yeah ofc we don’t want to fuck men anymore. And yes, they would’ve have just gotten worse anyway because we were never the original cause, quite obviously.

        Politically, we are asserting our rights to our bodies. It’s a profound political statement that already has men ITT discussing and debating, but ultimately the most important part is that women are asserting the power they have over their bodies. Only in a fascist state is that political or controversial.

        But yeah it’s totally women’s fault men are going to get worse and that’s not just an excuse to abuse women more and blame them for it /s

          4 months ago

          Oh wow

          I am conflicted, halfway between genuine concern for you as a human being and being completely unsurprised at six paras of unhinged ramblings.

          Suffice to say - this only exists in your head, and there’s a reason you’re finding it hard to build meaningful relationships.

          Good luck, I hope you feel better soon.

            4 months ago

            Lol do you want sources? Books? A book might be too much material for ypu though if you struggle with a few paragraphs. There’s a documentary called Active Measures with John McCain and Hilary Clinton that shows these ties, that could be more of your pace.

            It started with 4chan and bitcoin. I always wondered how the dumbest people I ever knew, literal meth addicts without teeth who can’t explain what a stock is, could do well at crypto, an obvious scam. Well, it wasn’t a scam, it was UBI for rightwing movements and pedophiles and the worst of society.

            Memecoins are still doing it. That’s why they are there and named stuff like “Trump Maga.” They are funneling money around, and crypto is especially ideal for transferring money between countries.

            I’m not writing that last part for you, it’s clear you refuse to learn anything from a woman. Sad for you, good luck when the right wingers take over AUS the same way they got us. And I do indeed know this is happening over there too, the women over there talk about it and 4B a lot. So it very well may become your problem soon too.