My child so far only knows how to say baba and started to cuddle me last week :) very sweet moment
When I finish work and I see her and she yells Dada!
So many parts. It’s more like a part per phase. My daughter just got accepted to her first university. I still remember her first time riding an amusement park ride. Her first sleep over. Her nervousness at joining her kindergarten class. When she kept biting her “friends” in preschool. It’s something to capture at each step for me. Have a blast on the journey. It’s really great.
When they tell me about challenges and successes at school and I get to see them growing into actual people. It’s fascinating and I’m so proud.
My kid is not a hugger, so once in a blue moon, when I get a hug, I know it’s real.
Also a few years back, I anticipated his request for something like breakfast in advance, and I got a heartfelt “you really understand me.” That one line will keep me sane once teenage years hit.
Lots more laughter
Watching them grow and learn as little people do. My 2nd has just started walking for herself.
Wait until they start creating things. Poetry, artwork, kind deeds, friendships, jokes. It’s incredible.