• pyre@lemmy.world
    8 days ago

    why do you give a shit what gen z thinks? young people think calling everything cringe is a replacement for a personality. the best part of getting older is not giving a fuck. why are you doing this to yourself

    (this isn’t anything against gen z i only named them because of the original tweet, I’m speaking in general)

    • yrmp@lemmy.world
      8 days ago

      Terminally online people are always fighting these silly mini-culture wars through the social media platforms our tech overlords have cursed us with. As self-centered consumers of content all day, they lose perspective, and feel the need to maintain their self-esteem and dignity by scoring points with “hot takes” or staying on top with current trends to stay relevant. Some of these takes stick for lack of a better term, and serve as a litmus test for whether you’re a member of the cool in-group, or the cheugy cringe ok boomer out-group.

      This serves the overlords by dividing us further, and preventing class consciousness by removing our ability to relate through our innate humanity, since everyone is now a classification that can be marketed to in a nice neat little box packaged and sold to not even the highest bidder but anyone who wants to pay for it. Instead of having a personality and seeing the value in all human beings, they commodify themselves and others into their perceived advertising footprint. I don’t know if this is true for everyone, but it certainly feels that way these days based on the garbage I see coming from short form video content.

      If I haven’t made it clear, I’m of the opinion that short form video and social media are really bad for us for a variety of reasons, but especially as a social bonding mechanism.